BHUNP - UUNP Next Generation

 Bakafactory Haeun BHUNP Body

For LE 1.57V Official

Greatly improved UNP base body wtih natural movements with HDT based.
Fully compatible with UUNP Body types.
High-poly, putting a lot of efforts on vagina, anus, breasts shapes, believable collision effects, much more tender breasts with 3 breast bones.
All this possible on BUNP 3BBB body.
- Bodyslide Support
- TextBlend Support
- Added collidable meshes for optimization
- Much more details on vagina shape like NSFW SFM.
- Anus model has been added(Controllable in animating)
- Overall topology, weights, shapes has been repolished.
- Much more realistic and natural but sexier breasts jiggly bouncing.
- Support SOS, SAM for SMP collision physics.
- the vagina shape and the nipple shape bodyslide available.
- Super easy converting.

Physics support for:

Collision support for:

Features of the Body

BHUNP 3BBB: The base body. It contains [hdtVagina.xml / hdt.xml / hdtFingers.xml]
BHUNP 3BBB PE Havok Path: It contains [hdtVagina.xml / hdt.xml / hdtFingers.xml / hdt3bbb.xml]
BHUNP 3BBB SMP Havok Path: It contains [hdtVagina.xml / hdt.xml / hdtFingers.xml], and [Baseshaep.xml]
BHUNP 3BBB Vagina Ref: It contains nothing. This body is not for playing but for modders' resource. Do not use it for playing.

UNP texture
Textture Blender
HDT SMP(Added in the pack)
SOS or SAM(Highly recommended)
High-end CPU(Highly recommended)
Your own race(Highly recommended)

How to Install
1. Get the file
2. Install it(Recommend MO2)
3. Follow the instruction
4. Enjoy
Joy of Perspective
Preview gifs

Frequently Asked Questions(자주 묻는 질문)

Q. Belly physics collision seems not working with SMP body. PE was fine.
Q. 왜 SMP 바디에선 복부 물리가 작동 안 하는 것 같죠? PE에선 괜찮아요.

A. It's almost impossible to make it work as PE does to Belly. It's just because SMP collision radius is too short. SMP is known to be much more precise than PE. It's just the stick can't reach the belly collision mesh. You might think 'Then, do I have to give up?'. Maybe... But to compensate for the issue, I made 'Belly' bone movable with 3BBB skeleton so that animators aniamte belly if necessary(like when a huge cock kicks in). Nonetheless, this limit will be solved in SE. In LE, you can't help it.
A. PE 복부 물리충돌에서 하는 것처럼 SMP에서 하는 건 불가능에 가깝습니다. SMP 적용 범위가 너무 짧다는 게 이유이지요. 다 알다시피 SMP는 PE보다 더 정확한 물리 효과 측정이 가능합니다. 그냥 거기가 여자 배 메쉬까지 도달하지 못하기 때문에 생기는 현상입니다. 그럼 뭐야? 포기해야 하는 건가? 아마도요... 이 상황을 타파하기 위해서 3BBB 본에선 'Belly' 본을 움직일 수 있게 하여 에니메이터들이 키프레임을 할당할 수 있게 해줍니다. 그러니까 직접 에니메이터들이 배를 움직일 수 있게 되었죠. 물론 cbpc가 있는 SE에선 이럴 필요도 없긴 하지만서도요...

Q. There's no anus physics. What's wrong?
Q. 돈꼬 물리가 없네요. 뭐가 잘못된 거죠?

A. Nothing wrong with it actually. It's not supposed to move itself. It won't move unless animators give keyframes to it. Anus doesn't belong to hdt physics. I decided to give up on Anus physics because it became too ugly and it didn't seem very realistic. Best leave it to animators.
A. 잘못된 건 없습니다 사실. 그 자체로 움직이지 않는 게 당연한 겁니다. 에니메이터들이 모션값을 주지 않는다면 움직이지 않는 겁니다. 항문은 이제 더 이상 HDT 효과로 움직이지 않습니다. HDT로 전환할 시 되돌이킬 수 없을 정도로 망가지게 되어 내리게 된 결단입니다. 에니메이터들에게 맡기는 게 가장 좋은 것 같습니다.

Q. I have my own custom race other than your ygnord race. But it doesn't seem to work.
Q. ygnord 말구요 제 전용 커스텀 종족을 갖고 있는데, 작동을 안 해요.

A. It could be complicated to solve this problem. You need to learn how to make your new bodyslide for your custom race in Outfit Studio. In Outfit Studio, load project BHUNP 3BBB body. Then, do Save As.. Name it a different name. Set the folder path where your custom race body mesh is located. Finished? Run the bodyslide you created just now.
A. 이 문제점을 해결하기 위해선 약간 복잡할 수 있습니다. 해결하기 위해선 Outfit Studio에서 커스텀 종족을 위한 경로를 재설정할 필요가 있습니다. 아웃핏 스튜디오를 열어 BHUNP 3BBB 프로젝트를 엽니다. 그리고 난 다음엔 Save As 를 눌러 이름을 바꿔줍시다. BHUNP 3BBB ygnord 이런 것처럼요. 파일 생성 경로를 여러분들의 커스텀 종족 바디 메쉬가 위치한 곳으로 재설정해줍시다. 끝났으면 다시 바디슬라이드에서 바디를 돌리고 시작하면 됩니다.

Q. Breasts aren't moving at all. They are... not moving and detached from the body.
Q. 가슴이 전혀 움직이질 않아요. 움직이지도 않고 바디에 딱 붙어있어요.

A. It should be absence of skeleton issue. Double check if your character has a proper 3BBB skeleton.nif.
A. 스켈레톤 문제 때문에 그렇습니다. 3BBB 호환 skeleton.nif를 갖고있는지 재확인하세요.

Q. Some of Racemenu bone scale options aren't working. What's happening?
Q. 몇몇 레이스메뉴 스케일 옵션이 먹통이에요. 뭐지요?

A. It's natural. Don't worry. 3BBB breasts bones are not subordinate to bbp bones. They are independent bones. So any slides that handle bbp bones won't work for 3bbb breasts.
A. 정상입니다. 걱정 마세요. 3BBB 본 바디는 TBBP 가슴 본을 사용하지 않기 때문에 몇몇 가슴 슬라이더는 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다.

Q. Racemenu Morphs isn't working in showracemenu.
Q. 레이스메뉴 모프가 showracemenu에서 작동하지를 않아요.

A. It works. You just need to start a new save. I don't know but it looks like it's how it works.
A. 작동합니다. 단순히 새 세이브를 새로 파야지 작동한답니다. 왜 이런지는 모르겠지만 이렇게 해야만 작동하는 모양이더군요.

These three sliders is only for naked bodies, not for armor. It's not advisable to use them on your armor.
위 세 개 슬라이더는 나체몸을 위해서 존재하는 슬라이더입니다. 방어구엔 웬만하면 쓰지 마세요.

Nexus Download LE

Nexus Download SE

Patch Files Download

Compatible Mods

Animated Beasts Cocks:  ABC

HHaleyy for FairSkin Texture
Regenbot03 for PureSkin Texture and Demoniac Texture
Regenbot03 for providing Vagina texture
StaticPhobia2 for sharing his awesome work on vagina and anus.
Realclone for his 3 breasts bones idea(I think he's the first who came up with this idea.)
Groovtama for his permission to edit his work and tips for tech.

Special Thanks to / Co-worker
이하은(Ha-eun) for the better topology shape / reshape the vagina / so many other useful tips


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