BHUNP Ver 3 Tera Kyna Armor [SE]





-BHUNP Ver 3 SE Body-


Please use the other esp I put in the folder instead if you want armor with SLA keywords embeded in.
SLA키워드가 들어간 방어구를 쓰고 싶으시면 폴더 내 다른 esp 파일을 대신 써주세요.


- Credit -

Team TAL


  1. Hi. I'm having an issue with the bodyslides for the Tera Kyna Skimpy and Skimpy Dark versions of this armor.

    It appears the BaseShape sliders of the OSD aren't present. The armors morph with the sliders, but BaseShape doesn't change... I initially thought it was just errors in the osp for not identifying the correct part, but no amount of fiddling has corrected it, so far.
    When I load just the base armor in Outfit Studio, and import the .osd for that armor, it loads morphs for BaseShape, TCArmorIn, TCArmor, etc etc... but when I load the Skimpy or the Skimpy Dark and associated .osd for each armor, neither one loads the BaseShape morph, they only load TCArmor shapes...

    I think that isolates the issue, but I have no knowledge of how to correct this. Would it be possible for you to correct it, or tell me how to do so?
    Any help is much appreciated, thank you.


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