SAM Light SMP + Bodyslides[updated 24.01.2021]
Original mod -
As you know, this is 'SAM' body.
다들 알고는 있지만 못 쓰고 있었던 모드 SAM 바디임.
The goal of the mod is quite different from SOS in many aspects.
SOS랑 뭐가 다르냐면 SOS는 바디 자체가 획일화되어있고 꼬추 다양성에 초점을 맞췄다면,
SOS fouces more on male penis rather than the whole body shape. On the other hand, SAM is more like improving overall balances.
SAM은 남자 바디 전체적인 부분에서 개선하려고 한 점이 방향성이 다름.
There has been no bodyslides for SAM but someone finally made it. What I did was just correct data paths and adding SMP physics.
원래는 바슬이 없던 바디였는데 누군가가 바슬을 작업해줘서 경로 재설정해주고 SMP 화 시켜서 올림.
So if there's a problem with it, I'll delete the post myself.
어디까지나 내가 한 건 SMP 작업 이외 사소한 것들이기 때문에 문제가 있다면 본 게시글도 지울 거임.
Test shots below with BHUNP
Physics worked nicely with both breasts and vagina. I assume CBBE SE should be no different.
젖가슴도 물리 잘 되고 뷰픈도 매우 잘 됨. 적어도 BHUNP에선 잘 되는데 CBBE도 별반 다르지 않지 않을까?
You can size up penis in bodyslide, of course. Make your own male body.
바슬에서 꼬추 모양도 크기도 마음대로 조정 가능하니 바디에 맞게 바슬 만들어보길
The hands smp collisions are attached to the body so male npcs must be naked in order to make it collidable.
아 참고로 손 물리는 남캐 바디에 딸려있는 거라 남자가 발가 벗지 않으면 작동 안 할 거임. 발가벗고 있다면 장갑을 끼든 안 끼든 물리는 작동함.
SAM Light SMP +More bodyslides from Schaken
Download Link [updated 24.01.2021]
Build [SMMB High Poly Nude SMP or SMMB High Poly Nude]
SAM Vanilla Armor Bodyslides(Original Link)
Download Link [updated 24.01.2021]
[This link is no different from the original link. However, I deleted unneeded files like SOS dicks and Schaken SAM male body. It's because it relies on SOS system while I want it to be independent.]
[본 링크는 오리지날 링크와 다를 게 없습니다. 다른 점이라면 SOS 꼬추라든지 불필요한 파일들을 제거한 버전입니다. 애초에 SOS에서 독립해서 낼려고 했던 건데 오리지날 링크에선 SOS에 여전히 의지하고 있었기 때문입니다.]
This is for those who already installed SOS and can't remove it because it corrupts the save.
이건 이미 SOS 깔았고 제거하면 세이브 터져서 제거 못하는 사람들을 위한 거.
If you haven't noticed, if there's no SOS addon male npcs wear a brown underwear.
이미 알고들 있겠지만 SOS 애드온을 하나라도 안 붙이면 남자 NPC들이 팬티를 입게 됨.
So you have to make it not happen. You can do it by applying one sos addon with dummy meshes so that npcs will have no sos dick.
그래서 어쨌든 꼬추 하나를 달아줘야하기는 해야하는데 쥬지가 두 개 일 수는 없으니 더미 메쉬로 교체해서 쥬지도 안 나오고 팬티도 안 나오게끔 하는 거임.
Load VectorPlexus Regular Addon and overwrite this file.
VectorPlexus Regular 로 애드온 달고 이거 적용하면 될 거임.
다운 SOS VectorPlexus Regular Dummy(더미)
Hello there.
답글삭제My game ctd as soon as a male character gets naked. I don't know what's the culprit... I installed the two files you provided over SOS
Thanks for the answers :)
The mod is basically for SE users. Are you playing LE?
삭제I'm on SE, actually, the normal version doesn't cause ctd, it's the HDT one. thanks for your reply
삭제Hey, thanks for the update, . I have no more CTD, but, I don't know why there are no physics and no collision on vagina, I remember having it using the original Shaken mod ! Thanks again :)
답글삭제Thanks again for the second update, now it's just perfect, much better than the original one :) great work !
삭제Seems like my effort worth it. Good to hear that.
삭제Thanks for the hard work, but for myself I couldn't get it to work. When I do default setting I get CTD when starting vag scene. If I remove hand collisions from hdtSAMSMP.xml then CTD no longer occurs. Penis-vaginal collisions work correctly. But it also disappears as soon as I try to build a body in the BodySlide, although for this I chose a high poly HDT body. The female body of BHUNP with full SMP physics. Maybe this information will somehow help.
답글삭제I tried it again now and everything works now. I don't know if any corrections were made or if it was my pincers' fault. Either way, this is excellent. Thanks again for the work.
삭제좋은모드 소개해 주셔서 감사합니다.
답글삭제Is it possible to bend the penis? It doesn't line up correctly with most SexLab animations
답글삭제SAM's penis shares the same bones with SOS so the answer is yes. You can adjust the angle.
삭제Thanks for answering, do you have any suggestions for tools to do so?
삭제It doesn't work for me to bend my penis. I have been without SOS and with SOS. just doesn't work, for me :(
답글삭제sorry for the bad English
I have the exact same problem, i can't get this mod to work and i try hours without figure it out what's wrong :c i'm using CBBE btw
삭제Hi! works perfect!! but just one question. How do you make the dick get erect and a properly position on those scenes? mine is always flacid. Only works if If have sos instaled but that will make my player have double dick lol.
답글삭제작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.
답글삭제When I installed the Mod Males have Messed up hands, feet, and Schlong UV's